Monday, October 8, 2007

If I were just a little older..

Grandma and Grandpa Peterson have the coolest toys at their house!

I tried to explain to Mom and Dad that I'm old enough to play with the x box. Aunt Rachel even showed me how to drive a car on Mario Kart Friday night, and I got pretty good at it. Everyone had fun watching me drive it, and I have to admit that I did pretty well under all the pressure.

But when I tried to practice on my own everyone got on my case. They don't think I can handle it unless they're around to watch me. I tried to prove them wrong. When they weren't looking I turned on the power and even got the screen up, but I didn't know how to start the game before they found me. I guess I need to watch Amy and Rachel a little more carefully next time.

And I also found a huge stash of Legos. I was so excited that I dumped them all out. Boy was that a bad idea. Mom immediately started cleaning them up before I could even look at them all.

I tried to explain to her that I'm a big kid now. I don't put things in my mouth like a baby. Geez, is it my fault that I have a little brother who eats everything? I mean there are some sweet Lego sets here. But no, I guess I'm stuck with the mega blocks and durablos until Forrest grows up a bit. Its tough being two sometimes, I'm so much smarter than I'll ever get credit for.

On the bright side, Aunt Amy printed out some really cute coloring pages today. I had so much fun coloring those that I almost forgot about the Legos...almost. :)

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