Monday, November 5, 2007

Word for word...

I'm really starting to turn some heads with my verbal skills. Whew, I didn't know how grossly underestimated two year olds are! I mean, I really seem to surprise Mom with some of the phrases I've been saying.

Here's a perfect example. The other day the Target toy catalog came in the just in case some of you adults have forgotten, that's a big deal for us kids! So, I'm checking it out along with everyone else and my whimpy 'oh, cool' just wasn't cutting it. I realized that I needed to make a lasting impression. Some of these toys were amazing!!

So, I started saying, "Wow! That's beautiful!!"

Everyone laughed and thought it was so cute. Now we're talking, I had the undivided attention of both Mom and Grandma. So, what did I do? Naturally what any two year old in my position would do. I started pointing to the toys I liked and repeating it with smile. Everyone thought it was adorable and I noticed Mom seemed to like it. Hmmm...maybe she'll pass on a good word to Santa for me. :)

Speaking of Santa, I've been SO NICE to Forrest (otherwise known as Fuf). I hope Santa learns that I really am trying to be a good boy. At first, I have to admit that I was motivated by the thought of a stocking full of goodies, but I've found that Forrest and I are actually having good times together. We've been playing together everyday, and I actually miss the little squirt when he's sleeping. To the kid's credit, he is pretty smiley and fun.

We love to play together and chase each other. The other day, we were running around the house and I couldn't find Forrest. I went straight up to Mom and said, "Mom, I can't find Fuf." She laughed, she thought it was adorable. I've heard her tell that story a few times, so I guess she was pretty proud of me for A) Putting all those words together and B) Actually looking for my brother instead of hiding from him.

In other words...
Rachel also taught me how to say "Peace!" and to make the peace sign with my fingers. Between that and "Sup Foo" that she and Rebecca taught me a while back, I'm dazzling the crowds here. I'll have to keep you posted on any of the other developments in the linguistics department here at the Petersons. Until then, "Peace!" :)

1 comment:

Lesley said...

How adorable is Drew! I can't believe it has been so long since I check in on him here!

Did you know the average 3 year old asks like 437 questions a day? I bet your little smarty pants will surpass it! I love how he was asking after Fuf. So cute that he missed him!